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IGNITE Your Share Space for Emotions

It is important to share emotions and feelings, whether they are comfortable or uncomfortableEmotions are felt in our body as sensationsOur thoughts about those emotions are our feelings.  In this episode of IGNITE we will discuss in further detail how to acknowledge our own emotions.  We will also discuss how to empower your team of girls to acknowledge and share their emotions in a healthy way that benefits them, their team, and beyond the GOTR practice.  

Emotions go deeper than feelingsEmotions involve the cognitive and physiological space within you that changesThey are automatic and unconsciousThey can be controllable and uncontrollableThey can send you on a roller coaster ride or swaying in the breeze on a hammockEmotions are the specific mental reactions that cause changes inside of you to occur based on certain eventsOur feelings are how we perceive the sensations that occur in our body because of our emotionsWe are excited for an upcoming event and we feel energizedOur excitement is our emotion and energized is our feeling. A great way to acknowledge our feelings is to ask yourself, “What sensation am I feeling in my body?”  You can feel excited, but take it deeper than that to recognize the cause of the emotion. By recognizing the cause of the emotion that is tied to a past experience, you will be better equipped to react and feel in a way that allows you to open up to someone else about your needsYou will deepen your relationships by acknowledging what makes you happy, sad, fearful, worried, content, and the list goes on.  

The importance of sharing feelings in a healthy way is instrumental in developing and keeping healthy relationshipsWith your team of girls it is best to model how to share your emotions and feelingsCreate a space that says, “It is okay to share who we are and how we feel.”  Give girls the framework for sharing emotions and feelingsAsk them to pay attention to the sensations their body is having to recognize the emotions they are feelingFor example, utilize the body scan technique where you close your eyes and check in with certain body parts (brain, jaw, heart, stomach, gut, feet, etc.).  The body scan technique is good practice for when you are in the midst of an emotion or feeling.  This helps to recognize the sensation that a certain emotion is giving usFor some, feeling anxious is felt in the stomach with stomach pains or in the head with headachesFor some, feeling happy is felt in the heart with warmth or in the arms with hugsWhen you check in with the girls about how they are feeling, ask them where they are feeling that sensationThen take it a step further by giving them this statement to share with others about how they are feeling and how the other person/people can support themThe statement, “I feel ____ because _____I would like _____” is extremely powerful in recognizing your feeling, acknowledging your feeling out loud, and asking for a connectionTo encourage the safe space you are creating for your team, use this statement throughout practicesExamples include: “I feel confident because we did our warm-up exercisesI would like to do one more so I am ready for my laps.”  “I feel irritated because I didn’t get enough sleepI would like to do a little extra stretching to wake my brain up.”  Add WHERE you feel the feeling to empower the girls to acknowledge their emotions and feelingsFor example: “I feel peaceful in my heart because the sun is shiningI would like to do our laps in the sun and not the shade.”  This type of practice helps us build healthy boundaries and relationships with those around us.   

As an amazing coach, you have the space and energy to bring girls together as a teamUnderstanding and sharing our own emotions and feelings in a healthy way is one of the best gifts we can give our young girlsIt will promote positive feelings and space even for uncomfortable feelings and situationsWe have the power to empower our space with their emotions, feelings, safety, and confidence!  


Shayla A is the Coach Mentor for Girls on the Run Kansas CityHer background comes from the classroom, coaching, day treatment schools, wellness, and advocating for children with special needsShe enjoys empowering and advocating for girls and coaches in every challenge and celebrationConnect with her for support and assistance this season via Leigh Krtec.   





Leading With Emotional Courage by Peter Bregman 

Untangle Your Emotions by Jennie Allen 

My Body Sends a Signal by Natalie Maguire 

The Way I Feel by Janan Cain 





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We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Non-profit girl empowerment after-school program for girls.

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